Creating Rules

This guide will show you how to create Rules in the Secure60 platform


The ability to create custom Rules is a powerful feature allows you to tailor existing rules and create new Rules to meet any scenario. In this guide we will provide Rule examples to help demonstrte a number of approaches. As always if you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact Secure60 Support.

Create an Entity based Rule

This Rule looks at Entity data to decide whether to create a Threat based on that data. It leverages a number of custom features to improve the operation of the detection.

We view the whole rule here:

  "conditions": [
      "query": "_entity_name = 'user_name'",
      "data_type": "entities_detail",
      "query_group_by_fields": "_entity_name,_entity_value",
      "query_criteria": "_score >= '100'",
      "trigger": "1",
      "from_relative": "24-h"
  "actions": [
      "action_type": "create_threat",
      "_category": "user-analytics-threat",
      "_name": "User Analytics - Threat Detected",
      "_description": "User behavioural analytics has detected that a user has exceeded the anomoly score threshold.",
      "_recommendation": "Recommendation is to review the user entity in question, Examine each behaviour that has lead to this score (tune the scoring policy if score too high). Precaution may be to disable the user while the processes is underway. ",
      "_score": "60",
      "_entity_name": "user_name",
      "check_existing_by_entity": "Y"

Notes for key rule components:


Next steps

Congratulations, You now have created a range of Secure60 Rules

For any further questions make sure to reach out to, We have a team ready to assist with any futher questions

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