Docker Logs Integration Guide

This guide will show you how to integrate Docker Logs into the Secure60 platform. Docker Log gathering enables the standard output and error output of docker containers to be stored into the Secure60 platform via the Secure60 Collector.


This guide will explain how to gather docker log data into a Secure60 collector. It uses the native capability of the Secure60 Collector to perform this activity. As always if you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact Secure60 Support.

Enable Docker Log gathering

  1. (Prerequisite) Install the Secure60 Collector
  2. Start the Secure60 Collector with ability to access docker sock to enable log gathering from other containers If running manually append the following: -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock to the Secure60 Collector run command.

Eg. Full sample:

docker run -i --name s60-collector -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 514:514 -p 6514:6514 -p 5044:5044 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --rm -d --env-file .env secure60/s60-collector:1.07

Docker compose example:

    image: "secure60/s60-collector:1.07"
    container_name: "s60-collector"
      - "443:443"
      - "80:80"
      - "6514:6514"
      - "8514:6514"
      - "8515:6514"
      - "8516:6514"
      - "8517:6514"
      - "8518:6514"
      - "514:514"
      - .env
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock
    restart: 'always'
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "50m"
        max-file: "10"

Integrate with Secure60 Collector

To enable the Docker Logs integration in the S60-collector, modify the .env file as follows:


Logs can now be viewed in the Secure60 portal.

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